Hospital building, Hospital for Tuberculous, Kearney
This 6-1/2" x 4" black and white plate shows the hospital of red brick with white stone trimmings with a two-story central section and one-storied square wings set at an angle. All the sections have daylight basements. Several people sit in front of the building in chairs looking over a large lawn with trees.
Nebraska. Board of Commissioners of State Institutions
Excerpted from: "Third Biennial Report of the Superintendent of the Hospital for Tuberculous, Kearney, Nebraska" In Second Biennial Report of the Board of Commissioners of State Institutions to the Governor and Legislature of the State of Nebraska for the Biennium Ending November 30, 1916 (Lincoln: Nebraska Board of Commissioners of State Institutions, 1914), plate between pp. 312-313.
Historical Notes
This new hospital building was erected 1914-1915 and could hold 53 of the very sick patients. The wings were angled so that every side would receive sun at some point in the day. However, the superintendent notes it did not work out suitably, as, in Nebraska winters, patients should receive sunshine all day.