New dining room, kitchen, store and hospital building, State Penitentiary, Lincoln
The two-story brick building with dormers is in this 5" x 4" black and white plate has bars on the windows and doors. A metal staircase rises to a door on the second story at the narrow end of the building.
Excerpted from: "Twenty-third Biennial Report of the Warden of the State Penitentiary, Lincoln, Nebraska" in First Biennial Report of the Board of Commissioners of State Institutions to the Governor and Legislature of the State of Nebraska for the Biennium Ending November 30, 1914 (Lincoln: Nebraska Board of Commissioners of State Institutions, 1914), plate between pp. 408-409
Historical Notes
Before this building was built, the prison kitchen did not have a cooking range, the inmates used tin cups and plates, and the hospital was dilapidated. Of those inmates admitted during the biennium, 108 suffered from diseases of the digestive system, 87 had kidney troubles, while others suffered from rheumatism, syphilis, tuberculosis, and various other diseases. The prison physician estimated that 20 percent of the inmates used morphine and other opiates. Further statistics and information can be found in the report.