This black and white photographic print shows Sister Frida Thor standing in a studio setting wearing the traditional dress of a Deaconess. She was a part of the Immanuel Deaconess Institute. The back side of the photographic print reads: "Sr. Frida Thor, School of Nursing.
Original format: black and white photographic print, 5.75 x 3 inches.
Historical Notes
Sister Frida Thor entered the Augustana Diaconate in 1906, and was consecrated into the Diaconate in 1911. She studied at Augustana College in Rock Island, Illinois from 1915-1916, trained at Immanuel Deaconess School, and the Immanuel Hospital, and pursued special studies at Milwaukee Hospital. Sister Frida Thor was the Director of Nursing Education at the Immanuel Deaconess Institute from 1922-1926.